Creating Story-Centered Content: Connecting With Your Ideal Client
Do you know who you are talking to?
If you are going to spend hours upon hours creating content to share online, do you know who it is for?
I shared on Monday about how I have been able to show up in my business more authentically since really focusing on story-centered content, but the other key piece to that is that I got really specific about who I was creating content for. Once I was able to identify this person I could speak directly to them. So when I was showing up fully as myself and creating specifically for one persona I was able to act with so much more ease and clarity.

Why is knowing your ideal client important?
You’ve probably heard it said before that if you’re speaking to everyone you’re speaking to no one. To be honest, I hadn’t put much thought into that until recently. But the more I have played around with it and leaned into that philosophy the more I have benefited.
Imagine meeting an old friend for coffee – the conversation flows effortlessly, covering important aspects of your lives, growth, and struggles. Now compare that to meeting a stranger, engaging in small talk, and struggling to connect.
We would all rather get cozy and connect with someone we know. (In fact, small talk and shallow connections are my actual personal hell. But I digress.) You don’t have to mentally prepare for coffee with a friend. You pick up where you left off. You know exactly what to say. But with a stranger it is really easy to overthink. To panic. To show up in a way that feels guarded and inauthentic.
Creating content can feel this way. When we create without someone specific in mind it feels a lot like throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. We bounce around from idea to idea and voice to voice and it can feel really chaotic. For us and for our audience.
When you know exactly who you are speaking to you can show up with purpose. When you then start building relationships with those people you are allowing for more open communication, more sharing, more feedback, more engagement…more of all the things we want and need!
Showing up on social media becomes energizing because it is grounded in connection and purpose. No more aimless posting and hoping for the best. I’m not saying it is easy. I’m definitely not saying it isn’t a lot of work. But I do think it brings an ease to the work that isn’t possible otherwise.
So, how do you figure out who your ideal client is?
[Sign up for my course and I’ll tell ya!]
I always think about a quote from Rory Vader that says, “You are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were.” Every iteration of my ideal client has been born from this philosophy because I’ve always created services or products I wish I had. I think this is true of a lot of people, especially women.
Outside of just thinking about that idea, have you dug into…how old is this person? What is their life situation like? What level of education do they have? Where are they hanging out? What are they doing? What are they looking for in the online space? What are their struggles? What are their fears? What are their motivations?
The more you know about them, the better you can speak to them.
(As an aside, Chat GPT/AI can be super helpful here! We talk about this in my course too.)
What does your ideal client need to hear FROM YOU?
And then, the key piece is to think about what does that person need to hear FROM YOU? What is it that you have to say and offer to that person? How can you deliver it in a way that makes the most sense for them? How can you show up fully as yourself and serve them best?
The intentionality allows you so much more freedom to show up wholly as yourself in that space and to take confidence knowing you are providing value to them. What a beautiful opportunity to be abe to do that inside your business!
If you feel like you need some help identifying your ideal client and figuring out how to speak to them, definitely check out my course. We do a deeeeeeeep dive into this. If you have questions let me know!
With so much love and gratitude,