How Julie FitSmith’s Story Transformed Her Business
Last week I promised that I would share real life examples of actual business owners who have seen how they can share their story and transform their own life and business. Today I’m chatting with Dr. Julie Smith.
Julie has been such an inspiration to me in both my personal and professional life. She is absolutely brilliant and so full of courage. It just oozes from her. It is clear she is putting in the work to know herself and the way she shares that through her work is stunning. She is absolutely living a big, brave life. I have learned so much from Julie and I’m excited to share her insights with you today.
Q: Will you tell us about yourself? Who are you, what do you do, have you always done this, what do you want us to know about you?
I am a lot of things 🙂 I am a wife, mother to two beautiful children, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a passion for helping inspire, motivate, and educate individuals on how to take care of their health and live the life they deserve. But I am also acutely aware that I am love, divinely guided, and enough just as I am, without the labels or the achievements.
What do you do?
Funny question… How much time do you have?
If I could wrap it up in one sentence it would be this—> I am on a mission to transform my own life and to help others do the same. Whether it is personal training, physical therapy, health coaching, personal conversations, time with friends…I am constantly striving to make decisions that allow me to be the best version of myself in the current moment. This spills over into every single aspect of my life, the way I live, and the way I love. I am realizing that I am here to help people transform and wake up to the possibilities inside of them.
Have you always done this?
Absolutely not. I put myself in the box of a physical therapist and I always knew deep down that physical therapy was a piece of what I wanted to do, but it left so much on the table. SO MUCH! I felt trapped.
What do you want us to know about you?
I may only be one girl, but I am determined to use my voice and the platforms I am creating to help the whole world feel more alive. We deserve the opportunity to live this life, right now, to the fullest. If you’re struggling to do that, I would love to help you.
Q: Are you where you thought you would be or doing what you thought you would be doing?
Absolutely not. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be creating my schedule, running my own business, and creating content on multiple platforms. NEVER EVER. It’s funny, I remember in grade school we were talking about what people would be when they grew up and someone nonchalantly said Julie will run her own company and I was like oh that’s comical. I remember thinking to myself, I don’t think I am capable of doing that but that’s funny that he thinks that.
Q: Was there a pivotal moment or experience that brought your goals/purpose into sharper focus?
You bet!
Most of us spend too much time thinking about the things we want to do or should do and we waste away our current moment by imagining ones in the future. We lose out on our present because our minds are somewhere down the road. I used to do this too, but that changed after my mom was diagnosed with cancer. After a particularly hard visit full of bad news and a poor prognosis, my mom and I went for a walk. She said something to me that has changed the entire trajectory of my life, my career, my relationships…She said, “Jules, I wish I would’ve known. I wish I would’ve known how to take care of myself when it mattered.”
Those two sentences that my mom whispered to me are at the heart of everything I do. Since that day I have been on a mission to transform my own life and to help others do the same. Whether it is personal training, physical therapy, health coaching, personal conversations, time with friends…I am constantly striving to make decisions that allow me to be the best version of myself in the current moment. This spills over into every single aspect of my life, the way I live, and the way I love.
Q: Would you say sharing your story has helped you heal? If so, how?
100%. I share my story TO heal. I found out very quickly that the more I shared about my own human experience the more I was able to grieve and connect with other humans. It made me feel more alive to share about it when I physically did not feel well. It has also brought amazing humans into my life. By opening up, I am allowing my true essence to show and that is a catalyst for genuine connection, which also heals. 🙂
Q: How has sharing your story helped your business?
It is everything. My story is my business. It is the core and the WHY behind what I do.
Q: What would you say to someone who is feeling the pull or nudge to share their story or try something that has been placed on their heart but they’re feeling nervous or hesitant?
The world needs you. If it is on your mind to share, it was put there for a reason. Your mess is your message and someone else’s miracle.
Q: If people want to connect with you, what is the best way? Where can they find you?
My website is:
I love to hang out on Instagram @ dr.julie_fitsmith
I am also on facebook @ Julie FitSmith
Tiktok @drjuliefitsmith
If you need help telling your story, please don’t hesitate to reach out. It’s one of my absolute favorite things to do.
Thanks so much for reading, friends.
With so much love and gratitude,