I Keep Telling You to Tell Your Story, But What Does That Even Mean?!
It is time to slow my roll a little bit and make sure we are all on the same page. I keep talking about storytelling, but what even is it?!
Let me put on my English teacher hat for a minute and tell you that Dictionary.com defines storytelling as simply, “The telling or writing of stories.”
The National Storytelling Network takes it further and defines storytelling as, “the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener’s imagination.”
Basically, storytelling is sharing experiences with one another as a means to connect.

Why should you care?
We are hard-wired for stories. Storytelling has been a part of our lives since we came into existence. Our brains are literally trying to create connections and make stories about every single thing that happens to, near, or because of us. We operate based on stories all day every day. The stories we tell ourselves become our realities. We know we need connection as part of our human experience and most often that connection is forged through sharing stories. Stories are powerful and effective. They’re also necessary.
So, why the heck am I talking about storytelling so dang much?
Because it is one of the most important aspects of your business’s branding and marketing.
What Is Brand Storytelling?
There is a specific type of storytelling most often referred to as Brand Storytelling. The blog Storystoft says, “Brand storytelling is the act of using an emotion-evoking narrative to connect your brand to customers, with a focus on creating empathy by aligning your brand values with your customers’ values.”
This is why I am talking about storytelling.

In a world with the attention span of a tweet, we have to find a way to break through. Most often the thing that does this is not a new logo or cute branding colors. Maybe it’s a well-made Reel if we’re lucky enough to get it to pop up in people’s feeds. The best way for us to make ourselves stand out is to infuse storytelling into every aspect of our business.
I recently read an article from the Harvard Business Review, and this quote stood out to me. It says, “The other way to persuade people—and ultimately a much more powerful way—is by uniting an idea with an emotion. The best way to do that is by telling a compelling story. In a story, you not only weave a lot of information into the telling but you also arouse your listener’s emotions and energy. Persuading with a story is hard. Any intelligent person can sit down and make lists. It takes rationality but little creativity to design an argument using conventional rhetoric. But it demands vivid insight and storytelling skill to present an idea that packs enough emotional power to be memorable. If you can harness imagination and the principles of a well-told story, then you get people rising to their feet amid thunderous applause instead of yawning and ignoring you.”
Our online world is so full of business owners competing to be noticed. You open Instagram and immediately see hundreds of influencers right in your own feed whose job is to get you to pay attention. I want you to pause for a minute and think about the social media accounts you enjoy the most. The ones whose stories you always watch, the posts you always heart, the purchases you’ve made simply because they recommended something, the people you feel the most connected to. Why do you feel that connection to them?
If I had to guess it is because they’re showing up in their space in a way that feels honest and authentic, that makes you feel seen and understood, and they’re providing some sort of value to you (entertainment, honest reviews, tips or tricks, community, etc.) You guys, that is storytelling!
Ok, so brand storytelling makes sense but what does it actually look like?
It is different for everyone and their business. That’s the beauty of it. If my story is unique to me and I infuse it into my business then my business and its story are also unique. Talk about standing out.
Here’s what this often looks like for me:
-When someone asks me what I do I answer them with my pitch and mission that have been crafted straight from my story and lived experience. It is in my own voice and while it is practiced it isn’t canned. I always leave room for my own passion to come through.
-When I am writing I speak from my own voice, include my own experiences, am honest about my struggles, and share my celebrations too. I challenge my clients to do the same.
-When I am sharing on social media I actually talk about things happening in my life and how they’ve informed my business and the decisions I am making.
-When I am connecting with a client I don’t hide the fact that writing copy and creating narratives is hard work! We own that and talk through it and get to a place of understanding and empowerment so we can collaborate better.

Brand storytelling looks a whole lot like injecting a little more human into your business. It is the bridge between your purpose and the clients you will serve. It is the best way to take your messaging, branding, and marketing to the next level. Creating connections and relationships with your clients really does benefit everyone, and it cannot be done without storytelling.
If you’re ready to get started injecting a little more storytelling into your brand and business, there are a few ways I can help.
- We can set up a free discovery call and talk through where you’re at and where you’d like to be. We will figure out the best way for me to support you whether that’s through consulting, editing, or writing with you.
- I have a FREE workbook that will coach you through how to connect with your voice and then use that voice to craft your Instagram bio. If you’re interested in taking that step today, you can find it here.
- Finally, I am in the process of launching an online course. If you want to be coached through the process I use to create my own copy and the same process I use with all of my clients, you can sign up to join my Wait List here.
Thanks so much for reading! Happy storytelling!