The girl behind the blog
Hey There, I'm Amber
Hey! I’m Amber and I am so glad you’re here! As a true INFJ, enneagram 2, and anxious perfectionist I am going to do my best to introduce myself without solely relying on the roles that I play on the daily. But honestly I don’t know how else to begin.
I am a wife and mom of two (three if you count our pup). Dan, Jack, Molly, Lulu, and I have built a life and home that I am really proud of. I was a stay at home mom for ten years. Before that I was a high school English teacher which feels like a separate life. I never ever thought I would be a stay at home mom, and yet I spent a decade as one! During that time I had stretches of great joy and happiness and belonging and others of isolation and desperation. I have explored so many outlets to help me feel more grounded and fulfilled: childcare, homeschooling, book studies, even Lularoe (something I may or may not ever get into here in this space). But none really satisfied my craving for connection and purpose.
In 2020, right as Covid was beginning, my youngest daughter, Molly, was diagnosed with leukemia. This shifted my reality in ways I am still uncovering and processing. The grief and emotional trauma is ongoing, and yet I am still continuing to find ways to take the next step and do the next right thing (cue Anna’s voice). That entire experience is largely what led me back to writing and ultimately here to this space. You will never ever hear me say that everything happens for a reason, especially when talking about my daughter, but I do believe it is possible for good to come out of some pretty shitty circumstances. This blog and my reignited passion for writing are absolutely some of those good things. This space is also fulfilling that need for connection and purpose I mentioned before in ways I could have never ever predicted. Life is wild.
I am also a daughter and sister to two of my favorite people on this earth. I am a friend to a small, intensely loyal and supportive group. I am a writer. And now, I am a coach. Despite all of these roles I am mostly just trying to figure out how to be human again.
I have five tattoos. I love waking up really early to do my morning routine. I do a happy dance every time I eat ice cream. I can’t say no to a great jumpsuit. I am obsessed with storytelling in basically any and all forms. My favorite candy is a Take 5 or Nerd Gummies. I am more excited about my business than I’ve been about anything else in a very long time.
The story behind the blog
A Big Brave Life
Welcome to A Big Brave Life. My tiny corner of the internet. I am so glad you’ve found it. This is our soft landing spot. This is a space where story, especially your story, is always welcome. This is a place where you can show up and know you will be received and held. In exchange for you taking the time to show up and support me I promise you honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability.
Life has thrown quite a bit my way the last few years. Navigating a pandemic and also a cancer diagnosis for my youngest child has been a lot. To put it mildly. But it has also been the most transformative years of my life. The darkness of rock bottom started giving way when I started writing and sharing and connecting both with myself and with others. And feeling that bit of hope and anchoring return to me is one of the biggest gifts I have ever received. And ultimately that hope (with the help of a lot of nudging from others and also courage from myself) has led me here.
I chose a blog format as a means for facilitating connection and community. I want to share my life and my story with you. I want to form connections in my haywire brain and share them with you. I want to connect with you. I want to help you make connections within your own heart and life. And the only way for me to do that, to share and to show up consistently, is with a whole lot of courage. Writing is easy for me. Sharing my writing makes me want to puke. And yet it feels important and necessary. So I am going to breathe some major life into my own brave. I am going to cling to my value of courage and do what I can to make this space meaningful.
I don’t know what “niche” my blog falls into because it covers so much. I intend to share my life here and the steps I’m taking towards making it a life I love and enjoy. The posts will be everything from journaling, rambling, and heart stuff to parenting to mental health to food and body stuff. Quite simply, this space will be me and my story.
Thanks again for being here. Mean it.
Get to know me better
A Few of my favorite things:
#1 What is your favorite hot drink?
White Chocolate Mocha
#2 What is Your favorite Color?
Purple and Yellow (but not together)
#3 What is your favorite sweet treat?
Gooey Butter Ice Cream from Clementine’s
#4 What is your favorite movie?
Almost Famous
#5 What is your favorite food?
St. Louis Style Pizza
#6 What is your favorite time of day?
Early Mornings
#7 What is your favorite book?
You cannot make me choose.
#8 What Your Favorite bad mood buster?
Dance Party!
Can I help you?
Quick Links
There’s a lot happening around here, so I want to make sure you can find exactly what you’re looking for!
Here are some of my most requested links.