I have found myself talking a lot about “authentic voice” lately. The more female business owners I interact with the more I start to learn and uncover all the ways we have been taught and conditioned to shrink ourselves, cover up with a mask, and alter our voice. We start showing up in spaces how we think we are supposed to instead of how we want to. This is just as true, if not more, on social media. But when we create content with walls up our audience doesn’t get to connect with us in the most meaningful way. And I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to spend so much time creating content I want it to be as effective as possible!
Before I go any further let me explain what I mean when I say authentic voice.
Inc.com say this about authentic voice: “A strong, authentic, compelling voice is the expression of identity, guided by vision, and achieved through mastery. These three work together as a part of the lifelong process of growth and discovery. Developing your authentic voice is the result of lifelong layers of learning, experimentation, and failure.”
I love this. For so many reasons. Strong, authentic, and compelling are all words we each want to hear describe our copy. On top of that, they’re saying that voice is the result of identity, vision, and mastery. In other words, deep internal work and connection allow us to be strong, authentic, and compelling. Your authentic voice isn’t accidental. It is intentional. It is chosen.

If you are someone who is used to shape-shifting depending on the space you’re in and who you’re interacting with this can be really freaking hard.
I came across this statement by Design Portfolio and wanted to use it to expand the above definition. They said, “An authentic voice provides you with the chance to showcase who you are and what you stand for without the filter of third-party sources.”
Your authentic voice does not depend on input from anyone else. You are the only person who can determine what it is and if it is true. When you’re writing from that space you aren’t worried about specific people’s responses. You aren’t preoccupied with sounding a certain way or winning anyone over.
That can be super liberating. But it also means there’s no magic formula or template or guidebook for you to use.
Here’s my trick:
This is what I keep in the back of my mind when I’m writing and creating.
I read the piece, post, quote, etc., and think about whether I hear it in my mind in my own voice or someone else’s. If I’m writing using my authentic voice it always sounds like me.
Then I take that same piece and reread it and pay attention to how it feels. I know this feels woo-woo. But if I read it, hear it in my own voice, and feel it in my gut that it’s me, then I know.
Being able to publish content that I know in my gut is an honest reflection of me, my values, my business, and my goals allows me to show up with so much more confidence and purpose. That allows my personality and my expertise to shine through with so much more clarity. And that adds so much more value to my content and to my audience.
If you’re struggling with your content, I would highly recommend spending some time here. Are you creating using your authentic voice?
If you want more support, join the Wait List for my course: The Storytelling Advantage. We spend an entire module on this specific idea.
Thanks for reading!
With so much love and gratitude,