After sharing last week about why you should hire a content writer I’ve gotten a few questions about what that would or could actually look like. Today let’s dive into what a content writer can do for you and your business!
My process is not typical so I cannot speak on behalf of all content writers. But I do want to share what you can expect from me.
First, I offer free discovery calls or brainstorming sessions. Basically you bring your copy to me and we sift through it together. You explain to me where it came from and what your goals are and we discuss how shifting, editing, changing, or rewriting your content may help you achieve your goals. I have a whole list of questions we’ll talk through.
Then I go home, comb through all of my notes, scan your social media and website, and create a vision board or idea map for you. This is my way of making sure I understand you and your goals. I think about what words and phrases jump out, what ideas keep coming up, what is the overall feel, how does it represent you, how will it make the client or reader feel, etc. The vision board gives both of us something to come back to for inspiration if/when we feel stuck. (Some clients find ways to use theirs in their marketing or on social media.) Additionally, I send a small sample of the changes I would make to your copy to take it to the next level. Sometimes these are subtle changes, sometimes this is a total rewrite, sometimes I may include a list of ideas if we are starting from scratch. I send this to you so you can decide if we are a good fit and if you want to move forward with my services. Nobody wants to spend hours working on a project just to find out it wasn’t at all what they were looking for. And nobody wants to pay for a project just to be disappointed because it missed the mark. I’m not looking to waste your time or mine, and I want us both to feel like we are proud of the end result.
what can I help you write?

-Your website copy- My favorite thing to craft is an “About Me” page. There’s so much creativity and freedom and humanity on these pages. Getting them to feel like you excites me more than you could possibly know. I can also help with any of your landing pages. How can we best describe your business and what you offer so that clients connect with you and want to take the next step towards hiring you or purchasing from you?
-Email newsletters- I often hear that business owners know they need to work on building out their email list and capitalizing on their email newsletters, but it is so much work and can be so tedious. By the time you design it, decide what you want to say, do any necessary research, and write it you’re easily looking at 4+ hours of work. That’s half of an entire work day! I can do this for you and take it off your plate. With a little guidance from you about what you want it to look and feel like, what your goals are, and any specific content you need to be included I can craft your newsletter for you so all you have to do is upload and send.
-Blog posts- If you already have a blog to support your business or if you’re looking to start one I can help you write your blog posts. Whether you already have a list of topics or you’re not sure where to start, I can help you create a plan for when to post, how often to post, what to post, etc. I can do the keyword research and help you with SEO so we can do our best to get your posts ranked on google and to drive traffic to your site.
-Online course curriculum/presentations- Online courses are surging in popularity and aren’t slowing down anytime soon. A quality course with well thought out progression, excellent copy, and attractive graphics takes a lot of time and effort to put together. I would love to put on my educator hat and help you map out and create your dream course.
-Social media captions- Social media isn’t for everyone. There’s a lot of pressure to craft the perfect caption. If you’re sitting on content because you just don’t know what to say then I can help!
Basically if you have something you need written, I can help. As business owners we rely on written words to convey our messages and stories and to connect us with our clients. It is so important for these words to feel like you!
If you are ready for me to take a writing project off your plate, let’s set up a discovery call! Or if you’re local, let’s meet for coffee! I would love to brainstorm with you.
With so much love and gratitude,